Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Blessed Saviour, I thank you that this operation is safely past, and now let Randy rest in your abiding presence, relaxing every tension, releasing every care and anxiety, receiving more and more of your healing into every part of his being. In moments of pain, may he turn to you for strength, in times of loneliness, may he feel your loving nearness. Grant that your love and joy flow through him for the healing of others in your name. Amen.

Thanks Kelly for the above prayer.  Thanks to all who prayed for Randy today.

All went ok today.  Randy has his new PEG Feeding Tube now.  The old tube through the nose has been removed.  It was a rough start today as we were told to check in at 10 am in the unit.  They were not ready for us.  The bed they had for Randy was still occupied by a patient not yet discharged.  Sat in the waiting area for 45 minutes.  When it was time for the surgery they sent us down to Angio in a wheelchair.  We got there and sat for 25 minutes before someone talked to us.  Didn't have a bed there so had to scramble to find one.  Randy finally got to lay down at 11:45 am.  Went in for the procedure at 12:15 pm.  Took 30 minutes or so.  We had been at the hospital since 8 am due to "stat" blood work that needed to be done before the insertion, so a very long morning for Randy.  Took it like a trooper. 

It was an unpleasant experience for Randy.  They said they were going to give him "relaxing" medication but they did not.  Froze the area and started the procedure.  Lots of pressure and pushing and pulling.  They had to fill his stomach with air so he was very "full" after the procedure.  As of this evening he is feeling not too too bad.  Sore around the insertion area, but resting nicely.  He will be without food for 2 nights as they don't want to use the new tube for couple days.  Probably shouldn't have removed the old tube just yet.  Has a saline drip so shouldn't get dehydrated.  Going to watch the Flames game tonight. 

It's quiet in the house tonight.  Randy has been a permanent fixture on the couch and he's not there!!  Thank goodness for cell phone we can text each other....

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