Monday, 20 January 2014

Had our Doctor's appointment today and it went well.  Long day for Randy.  Again he had to tell the same thing three times.  First the nurse, then the family doctor working for Dr. Tam and then Dr. Tam himself.  While we were there Randy had a couple episodes of the gagging and heaving caused by the feeding tube in the back of his throat.  They were able to witness what he has to go through and it was agreed that a different approach is needed.  Randy will be getting the feeding tube placed directly into his stomach through the abdomen.  No more tube in the nose and throat.  Just waiting for the appointment time for this procedure.  Hallelujah!!!!  This should help Randy immensely, no more gagging and such!!

They will also be setting up a CT scan within the next few weeks to see if the chemotherapy is having any effect and we can decide from the results what to do.  For now the chemotherapy will continue. 

Had a good and bad weekend.  Saturday Randy was not feeling well at all.  His stomach was feeling very bloated, could not eat that night.  Sunday was better he was able to eat during the day and felt not to bad.  Just the aches and pains he has been experiencing through out.  Morphine takes care of most of the pain.  Mom Pawelko, Jeff, Shelly, Jaret and Tim were over to watch the Bronco's win their football game.  Now on to the Super Bowl on Feb 2!! 

      Go BRONCOS GO!!! 

We can't do great things in this life . . .
We can only do small things with great love.
-- Mother Theresa

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