Saturday, 26 April 2014

Randy has recovered from the procedure for the stent, just a lingering soreness in his chest from the stent expanding.   He also felt the liter of saline he rec'd on Thursday helped a lot.  It does cause him to be very tired after these outings but it was well worth it. 

He continues to be very weak and fatigued.  We are now working closely with the Pain clinic and the Home care nurse to manage his pain levels.    He has let them know that 3 out of 10 is an acceptable level for him.  The pain can spike up to 8 and usually is around 4/5.  He did try to stop the steroid last week because he felt it was not doing anything.  Found out next day that is was doing it's job because his pain increased dramatically without taking it,  needless to say he is taking it again. 

I have noticed a shift in him, Randy has accepted what is happening to him and resigned himself to what he has to go through in the future.  He has handed over the "management" of his medicines to me.  I now look after the timing and giving of all his meds.  A little stressful at first but I am slowly working out a system which includes writing everything down so I can keep it straight!  :) 

Your continued thoughts and prayers are a blessing to us as we continue on this dreadful journey where there is no happy ending. 

May Christ Who was crucified for your sake
free you from excruciating pain.
May Christ Who died for you
free you from the death that never ends.
May Christ the Son of the living God,
set you in the ever green loveliness of His Paradise,
and may He, the true Shepherd
recognize you as one of His own.
May you see your Redeemer face to face
and standing in His presence forever,
may you see with joyful eyes
Truth revealed in all its fullness.


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