It has been decided to stop chemotherapy as Randy is too weak to carry on right now. It is not benefiting him any to continue if he is unable to be up and walking around for at least half the day. Also, due to the other chemo treatments not doing much of anything they feel that continuing on will not accomplish what they hoped for.
We are now going into "symptom control" mode. Through palliative home care, the palliative pain clinic and our family doctor they will work together to manage the pain and help keep Randy comfortable for whatever time he has left.
On Tuesday we will be going to the GI Specialist at the Peter Lougheed Hospital, to see about the stent insertion. They will scope his esophagus and if its ok they will perform the insertion at that time. Pray it goes well. This will greatly help Randy, if they can put the stent in as there are more choices then for pain he can swallow pills.
I would also like to let you know that we need to monitor the length of time for visits. Randy gets so worn out that it takes quite a bit of time to recover. He finally admitted it to me that he struggles with the amount and length of stay from company. I know you all want to see him but we need to be aware of how it affects him.
So I ask that if you come to visit that your length of stay be limited to 10 - 20 minutes. Even though you see Randy with his eyes closed he is not really sleeping. You all have been great about texting me to see if he's up to a visit and we truly appreciate that if he's not you understand. Love to you all!!
I want to also add that the boys and myself are so grateful to all of you who have cooked for us, given us treats and made us feel loved through your friendship. You are all blessings in our life!! THANK YOU so much.
O God, who has doomed all men to die, but has concealed from all the hour of their death, grant that Randy may pass his days in the practice of holiness and justice, and that he may deserve to quit this world in the peace of a good conscience, and in the embrace of your love through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
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