Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Have finished the appointments for this week.  We had the blood work and doctor's visit on Monday at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre.

Randy was down some more in weight as he continues to struggle with eating.  The doctor has given him two new medicines to help.  One is a pill to take 1/2 before eating to help the stomach drain the food faster into the intestines.  The other is thru needles, 3 times a day, to help the "bowel mobility" as morphine and the cancer cause the bowels to stop working. 

I'll have to make a chart to keep track of all his medicines and when to take them......

It was the "big" chemo day today so Randy has decided to wait with the new medications for 3 days until he is done with all the anti-nausea drugs.  Doesn't want to do to much to his body.  Let the chemo do its thing then he can start fresh on Saturday with the new routine.

We will be going for a CT scan at the end of March to see how the new dosage of chemo is doing.  Pray for positive results so this struggle Randy is going through will be worth it!! 

May all be loved.
May all be healed.
May all be sheltered.
May all be free from fear.

May I be loved.
May I be healed.
May I be sheltered.
May I be free from fear.


May all be loved.
May all be healed.
May all be sheltered.
May all be free from fear.

My I be loved.
May I be healed.
May I be sheltered.
May I be free from fear.

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May all be loved.
May all be healed.
May all be sheltered.
May all be free from fear.

My I be loved.
May I be healed.
May I be sheltered.
May I be free from fear.

Read more:

May all be loved.
May all be healed.
May all be sheltered.
May all be free from fear.

My I be loved.
May I be healed.
May I be sheltered.
May I be free from fear.

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