Friday, 28 February 2014

You are an amazing person and the best friend of mine. May God give you all his love and warmth in every step of yours. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! Love you!

I was able to speak to the nurse and we made a plan to help Randy.  It worked and he has been feeling a tiny bit better.   The past 3 nights he has been able to eat a little.  2 cans then 2.5 cans and then 3 cans.  Still feels bloated in the morning but at least he's getting some nutrients.

When we were at the hospital on Wednesday for the bottle change Randy's blood pressure was low.  As we talked with nurse I told her he had not been having enough fluids and asked if they could hang a bag of saline.  They got the ok from the doctor so he had a bag to help hydrate him.  Said he felt better after that.  While we were there Randy was drinking some Ginger Ale.  On the ride home his tummy was suddenly not good.  Probably shouldn't have drunk the Ginger Ale, to fizzy.....

Good new he is able to take 3 sips of juice all at once compared to the 1 small sip he was able to last week.  He so wants to be able to have a glass of water he can "gulp" down.  Small steps are very encouraging.

He has been feeling a bit down this past week.  So tired of the pain and not feeling well.  Would like one day where he feels normal.  If we could add this to the prayers you are all saying that would be great.

Gentle Jesus, who cured the sick and laid a healing hand upon the lame, the blind and the handicapped, look with compassion upon me in my suffering. If it is not your Will to cure me, then give me strength to bear my burden and offer it up to You. You suffered so much for me. Give me grace to offer my sufferings in union with Your own, in reparation for my sins and those of others, for the needs of this troubled world, and for the release of the souls in purgatory. Mary, compassionate Mother, pray for your weary child. Health of the Sick, Comforter of the Afflicted, pray for me. Amen.

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