Friday, 28 February 2014

You are an amazing person and the best friend of mine. May God give you all his love and warmth in every step of yours. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! Love you!

I was able to speak to the nurse and we made a plan to help Randy.  It worked and he has been feeling a tiny bit better.   The past 3 nights he has been able to eat a little.  2 cans then 2.5 cans and then 3 cans.  Still feels bloated in the morning but at least he's getting some nutrients.

When we were at the hospital on Wednesday for the bottle change Randy's blood pressure was low.  As we talked with nurse I told her he had not been having enough fluids and asked if they could hang a bag of saline.  They got the ok from the doctor so he had a bag to help hydrate him.  Said he felt better after that.  While we were there Randy was drinking some Ginger Ale.  On the ride home his tummy was suddenly not good.  Probably shouldn't have drunk the Ginger Ale, to fizzy.....

Good new he is able to take 3 sips of juice all at once compared to the 1 small sip he was able to last week.  He so wants to be able to have a glass of water he can "gulp" down.  Small steps are very encouraging.

He has been feeling a bit down this past week.  So tired of the pain and not feeling well.  Would like one day where he feels normal.  If we could add this to the prayers you are all saying that would be great.

Gentle Jesus, who cured the sick and laid a healing hand upon the lame, the blind and the handicapped, look with compassion upon me in my suffering. If it is not your Will to cure me, then give me strength to bear my burden and offer it up to You. You suffered so much for me. Give me grace to offer my sufferings in union with Your own, in reparation for my sins and those of others, for the needs of this troubled world, and for the release of the souls in purgatory. Mary, compassionate Mother, pray for your weary child. Health of the Sick, Comforter of the Afflicted, pray for me. Amen.

Monday, 24 February 2014

It has been a rough few days for Randy.  His stomach has not been cooperating and is still very crampy and full feeling (bloated).  Has not eaten the last few days as even having water causes pain and cramps.  The kids and I are worried and struggle because there is nothing we can do to help him.

A wonderful thing happened today...... our family doctor, Dr Bhatla, stopped by the house to see Randy.  We discussed what was happening and he helped us figure out why this is happening.  The regime the oncologist has him on is good but the Lactulose and Lax-a-day are not quite what he needs as the are just "softeners".  The Doctor explained how your stomach, when normal, fluctuates when digesting food and pushes it on its way to the intestines and such.  Morphine stops this action, causing your stomach and intestines to be still  He suggested talking to the nurse/oncologist about using a laxative that "stimulates mobility" in the gut.  So first thing in the morning I will call the nurse to ask for suggestions to use.  Dr. Bhatla wanted us to check first with them as he does not want to interfere with the chemotherapy and they would know best what to use. 

Randy continues to have no energy and spends most of the day sleeping.  He has lost his strength and struggles with stairs and getting out to the car.  We are hoping that once we get his stomach settled he will start eating again and build up his strength.

The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next.  ~Mignon McLaughlin

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Our prayers have been working!!!  Today's doctor visit was good. The results from the CT scan were positive.  Some of the tumors have shrunk and some have stayed the same and just a few have grown.  The original tumor in his esophagus has shrunk by 1.2 mm.  YEAH!!!  Bit of a mixed bag but the doctor was pleased with the results and Randy will continue with his chemo treatments.  He was only at 70% dosage so they are going to increase it by 10% as Randy is handling it well.  This will start tomorrow.  Our appointment is at 8:45 am.  Please say a prayer at that time to ask for the chemo to do it's job. 

The blood clots that were in his lungs have disappeared and the ones in his leg and lower abdomen are still there but not moved or grown.  His body will eventually take care of them. 

Has lost some more weight since last visit due to his eating issues but slowly he is starting to eat again, which should help him gain a bit back.  Last few nights he has been able to have 3 cans.  GO RANDY GO!!! 

Love to all.


                                I love you and I need you,

                                come into my heart, and bless me,

                                my family, my home, and my friends,

                                in Jesus' name.



Thursday, 13 February 2014

Things are not going well for Randy.  Still unable to eat.  Tummy is full feeling and bloated.  Talked to the nurse and we are doing everything right to help alleviate his issues.  There is not much more we could do as he is on the top of the line program to help with constipation.   All of the medication and the chemo he is on causes constipation.  His lack of energy and inactivity also complicates the situation. So please pray for relief for him. 

We have an appointment on Feb 18th with the doctor to review CT scan and talk about these issues - face to face.  Randy has lost more weight.  Not a good thing when he needs all the strength he can get to fight this disease. 

It's very hard for the boys and I to watch this once strong man become a sick and weakened man.  There is nothing you can do for him to help.  The helplessness is overwhelming.

Almighty and Eternal God, You are the everlasting health of those who believe in You. Hear us for Your sick servant Randy for whom we implore the aid of Your tender mercy, that being restored to bodily health, he may give thanks to You in Your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Since the last post Randy had been struggling a lot with his eating and the tummy troubles.  Has not been able to have his 5 cans a night.  Maybe he can get down 2 or 3.  His energy level this past week is very, very low.  It's a struggle to get to his appointments and such.  Still sore from the insertion of the PEG tube.  Hopefully this will start to ease up as we're going into week 3.  Doctor told us it could take 3 weeks to heal. 

We have our regular appointment with the Doctor on Feb 18th.  They phoned today to see if he wants to come in separately for an appt. to talk about the CT scan.  Decided to wait until the 18th.  It's quite a time going for these appointments so to add another one seems silly. 

Pretty sad that the Bronco's forgot to show up for the Super Bowl.  Had a nice visit with all who came over to join us in watching the game.  A gentleman who drives at Jeff's work was in Denver and bought a Bronco's jacket for Randy.  It's remarkable how people who don't even know Randy want to do nice things for him.  Makes you hopeful for humanity.  God Bless all who are touched by this tragedy and want to make a positive impact in the world.

We are using this time to enjoy being with Randy, sharing in memories and creating new ones to carry us forward. 

Look forward to watching the Olympics and cheering team Canada on.

Love to you all.

Kim and family.