Thursday, 5 December 2013

Well we made it through this week with all the appointments and the awful weather.  The last big one was today where Randy had the Port-a-Cath put in.  It was a 4 hour day down at the new hospital in south Calgary.  So now we are good to go to start the chemo.

Yesterday he had to go in for a heart scan because the chemo drugs can be hard on the heart so in two months they will do another scan and compare it to yesterday's. 

Now we just have our appointments on Monday and Wednesday will be the first treatment.  Randy will be on a 3 drug treatment plan.  ECF.  But starting out they will only administer the last two drugs due to his condition and to see how he handles them.
Epirubicin is the one drug they are holding off as this one is the hardest on patients. It has the most chance of causing side effects.
Cisplatin is the next one, it is used because it interferes with the growth and spread of tumor cells
Fluorouracil it the last one.  It will be in the bottle that Randy has to wear all day/night.  It also interferes with the growth and spread of tumor cells.

Some side effects Randy could have are loss of hair, mouth sores, nausea, fatigue, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.  We are hoping that he will be blessed and not have side effects.  They have a lot better drugs to counteract them and statistically most patients don't have bad side effects.  Fingers crossed.

We send out our thoughts and prayers to Uncle Jerry. 

A Prayer for Healing Cancer

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a solemn heart and in need of your intercession. I pray that the cancer that has come into my life soon fades into a quick remission. I believe in your capacity for miracles, and ask for this on my behalf. As we grow older, I know we become closer to the day you accept us back into your kingdom. I ask that you delay that holy union if it be your will. In your name I pray, Amen.

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