Thursday, 26 September 2013

Hello all,

Sorry I have not posted for a while.  There is not much to post right now as we are in a wait and see situation.  As there is not much change day to day its hard to know what to say.  So to let you all know I will update this blog when something new happens. 

Right now Randy is doing ok.  He is managing any side effects with an anti-inflammatory and codeine.  The pain and heartburn are mild to moderate right now.  Might be another couple weeks before it could get worse and then subside.  It has been 1 week since the treatments ended so could be another 3 - 5 weeks before we know if the tumor will shrink. 

His days involve resting, working on his model and watching TV.  Randy does not have much energy as that is a side effect of radiation and because he is not eating solid food, so when he gets tired he just goes to sleep. 

I have found this prayer below for all of us to pray for strength because we also need help dealing with this situation too.

Prayer for Strength and Faith
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Dear Lord, see me through these hard times. In these troubling times, I am filled with unspeakable fears. I reach out my hand to you now, And ask you to walk besides me. I cannot carry all my burdens, But I know you can, and will. Please walk beside me. Please guide me. Please help me hold on strong, Through the trials and storms. Help me hold on to my faith, In even the darkest hour. Stay with me Lord, And show me Your way. In your love and Holy Spirit I abide. Amen.

I will update this blog every couple days or so with a quick line or two regarding Randy or when something new happens.

Thanks for you continued prayers,


Monday, 23 September 2013

Had a good weekend.  Saturday we got the north side fence painted.  It now matches the south side color!!  Boys helped out and so did a friend of Dan's.  The weather was perfect.  Randy felt good all day, he even got outside and helped paint.  Evening was good spent it with Tim and Rhonda watching the Calgary Stampeder's game. They lost....

Sunday was a quiet day for Randy.  Spent it resting and watching the Nascar race and the Roughrider's game who lost :( :(   Randy felt not too bad all day which is glorious.

We are just in the waiting game...hoping the tumor shrinks so the feeding tube can be removed.  Randy takes each day as it comes.  I am so grateful that I can have the time right now to help him when he needs it and also to just enjoy being together.

Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And for all your love’s sake. Amen.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Last couple of days have been normal,  Randy has been fighting heartburn, usually starts in the later part of the day and lasts throughout the night.  It is listed as one of the side effects from radiation.  Otherwise the days are spent resting, building his model and watching TV.    He tries to nap during the day as it's nicer when not hooked up to the feeding pump, he can lie down!! 

Your thoughts and prayers continue to be appreciated.

Be in love with your life.  Every minute of it.


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Well we are done the radiation treatments so now we wait for it to do its job and shrink the tumor. 

Here is a prayer to St. Peregrine, the patron saint of cancer patients: 
Prayer to Saint PeregrineO great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker," because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you.
For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fibre of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favoured with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
(Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying)
Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy.

Tuesday was a good day.  After our appointment Randy spent the day working on a new model, a Tiger tank. 

Andrew had volleyball last night and we went and watched.  Laser's look not to bad this year.  He is team Captain!! I had forgotten how sore your butt gets sitting on the bleachers, ouch!!  Dan is also helping out the team.  When time permits he attends practices and helps the players with their skills.  Cassie and Rory were there too cheering on Andrew!!

Dan had an exciting day at school yesterday.  They got to pull the Harvard out on to the tarmac and each student gets to sit in the pilot's seat and start the airplane.   He said it was awesome.  Once he was done he said his whole body was vibrating for awhile after.  Plane shakes a lot as it is running.

Today Randy is quite tired.  Body is sore from sleeping sitting up so resting is good and easier when he can lie down.  Perfect day for rest as it is raining.



Monday, 16 September 2013

Happy Monday.  Today was our 3rd last treatment two more to go!!  As the radiation ends the side effects could start to materialize over the next 2 - 3 weeks.  What that could include is more pain (inflammation) in the chest area, nausea, fatigue and acid reflux.  Then once they peak it should start to get better.  Still about 4 - 6 weeks before we really know if the radiation did its job and shrunk the tumor.

We had a good Friday and Saturday.  Randy was feeling better on those days.

Friday evening Mom Pawelko, Jeff, Kyle and Jaret stopped for a visit.  Mom and Kyle had not been over to our house in quite a while. 

Saturday was "treat day" for me.  Rhonda and I went out for a manicure and pedicure while Tim and Randy visited.  They also brought over supper for the boys and I.  Then we watched the Roughriders get beat again.  :(  Hopefully this in not a trend.  Come on team GREEN!!

Also found out the Nascar driver Randy cheers for made the "Chase for the Cup".  He had missed it by one point in the final race of the season but due to some cheating going on by a couple other teams during that last race, Nascar officials have decided to allow his team into the Chase.
Go Jeff Go. 
Sunday was a harder day for Randy.  Felt off the whole day.  Some pain and nausea.  Spent  it quietly resting.  Mom and Dad Orr stopped for a visit later in the day. 
Today Randy switched from taking the anti-inflammatory in the evening to the morning and feels it will make a difference during the day.  Will have to see how he sleeps tonight.....
The wonderful people I work with at Symcor sent us some generous gifts of food.  Sunday I cooked the Sheppard's pie for myself and the kids. Mmmmmm it was delicious.  Tonight we even have leftovers!! Last week I had some yummy pulled pork and creamy potatoes.  These dishes I received have made it easy when days are tough and or busy.   I just pop a meal in the oven and the kids are taken care of.  My heartfelt THANKS to all who sent dishes!! 


Thursday, 12 September 2013

The prayers you all said worked.  Randy is feeling better today.  Went from a pain scale of 8 out of 10 to 2!!  Thanks everyone.  The power of prayer is awesome!!

Today when Randy went for radiation the nurse who helped him said for sure the pain he had was from the treatments.  There will be inflammation in the area and what the doctor prescribed yesterday is an anti-inflammatory and it begins working almost instantly which really surprised us because it seems it was almost instantly that Randy started feeling better.  So sorry if I am providing confusing information but I only quote what we are told.  Ahhhh kinda crazy the different answers you get depending on who you ask.  I still think they pretty much guess..

Today Randy is working on his model airplane.  This is a picture of what is will look like when he is done.  It's a Douglas Dauntless from WWII.

I had to run out and get some more transparent dressings, which hold the feeding tube on his cheek, as we were out and it is the day to change the bandage on his nose. 

There is quite a difference from yesterday to today.  Very hard to watch someone you love very much be in pain and there is not much you can do.  <3<3

"Love is when you look into someone's eyes and see everything you need."


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Things are not going to good for Randy, he has had increasing pain in his abdomen and diaphragm area starting yesterday afternoon continuing on through the night into today.  At his appointment today he spoke to the nurse and she got a hold of the doctor to see what or why there is so much pain.  He told us that it is not from the radiation as it is too soon for any side effects.  So we were wrong in what we thought yesterday.  They are not completely sure of why or what is causing it,  could be his liver? but gave him more medication to try and ease it up a bit.  As of right now, tonight, its not easing up, might have to build up some in his system.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  He did not get much sleep last night.  Up every 1/2 hour because he was so uncomfortable.

If you are so inclined here is a prayer to say:

Dear Lord of Mercy and Father of Comfort,
You are the One I turn to for help in moments of weakness and times of need. I ask you to be with your servant Randy in this illness. Psalm 107:20 says that you send out your Word and heal. So then, please send your healing Word to your servant Randy. In the name of Jesus, drive out all infirmity and sickness from his body. 

Thanks so much

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Well we have had 2 more days of treatment.  Randy is starting to feel some pain in the area that they are shooting and the lower abdomen.  This is one of the side effects due to some inflammation in that area.  What that is is your "good" cells nearby get a little bit radiated and they are agitated and become inflamed which in turn causes some pain.  We do have pain medicine which helps with this situation. 

Brad and Jennifer have gracefully lent us their lazy boy recliner to see if it is easier for Randy to sleep at night. Better that trying to prop himself up with a bunch of pillows on the couch.   Last night was the first time and it wasn't too bad.  I'm heading out to go and get a neck pillow to see if that would be better as Randy's neck got sore last night. 
Thanks so much you guys!!

It will be day 5 tomorrow.  Half way there. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Randy has had an okay weekend. Saturday was not feeling to bad in the morning but as the day wore on he started feeling less good and more crappy.  Stomach was not happy.
The boys and I attended Declan's 3rd birthday party at my sisters in the evening. Good time was had by all. Happy Birthday Declan!!

Today the morning was not good. Randy seemed to have more pain in the chest area. Doctor had given us a prescription for pain meds so I went and got it filled. Once Randy was able to take some felt better.  Glen,  Brad and Jennifer stopped by for a visit this afternoon.  Jennifer had brought us a wasp trap from the US. Works greats. Randy put it out in the backyard and within 30 seconds there were 50-100 wasps flying around it. The trap is from Rescue and called WHY Trap. Wasp, Hornet and Yellowjacket trap. As of right now there must be 150 wasps trapped inside. Here's a picture of it from earlier in the day.  Might have to take a trip to Spokane to get more attractant for spring/summer.
It is a sad day in the Pawelko house. Roughriders lost to Bluebombers!! Can you believe it!!
Tim and Rhonda stopped by for a quick visit this evening.  Tim was actually wearing a Saskatchewan Roughriders shirt.  Looked good on him, even though it did not help the team. 
Tomorrow we go for our 3rd day of radiation.  Appt is at 9:45 am continuing everyday for the rest of this week and next.


Friday, 6 September 2013

Today went well for the Radiation but had a little mishap with the appointment with Dr. Sinhu.  After the treatment the nurse is suppose to bring up your chart and put it on a cart for the doctor.  Well today they "forgot" to bring Randy's chart up front.  So we sat for 1 hour waiting....finally a nurse who was walking by came over and asked who we were waiting for.  Kind of a weird system as there is no "check in" place for your appt with the doctor!!  We now know what to do if they forget again and we know where to go to ask for help!! 

Not much was discussed today as it was only day 2 of treatment.  Randy is to start trying to drink some water every day to see if the esophagus is opening up.  Doctor told us it usually take most people 6 - 8 weeks for anything to happen.  But it could happen sooner just depends on how you react to the radiation.  The goal will be once they can remove the feeding tube they will start the process of setting up our consultation with the Oncologist to talk about Chemo.  Randy cannot start chemo until he can swallow pills.

I, on behalf of Randy and our boys, want to thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts.  This situation we are in is totally unbelievable and sometime unbearable but just knowing you all are out there praying for us warms our hearts. Even though the outcome is not positive we will take each day...each moment.... and savor it. 

Love to you all,


Thursday, 5 September 2013

Randy had his first treatment today.  All went well.  Longest part was getting set up in the machine.  He could feel nothing.  We now go everyday for 9 more days, excluding weekends.  We were given a list of prescriptions ahead of time in case of any side effects that may happen.  They could start to show up 1 - 2 weeks after the final treatment.  They only side effect right now would be fatigue as your body's cells recoup from the radiation.  Our appointment is for 10 am tomorrow and after treatment we will meet with Dr Sinha, the Radiation Specialist.  

Thanks for all your prayers to date. 

The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next.  ~Mignon McLaughlin

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Randy has had a couple of good nights sleep.  Only waking up two or three times.  Even though it is hot during the day the nights cool off wonderfully to help with sleeping.

Glen and Randy had a nice day today.  Went target shooting out in Kananaskis.  Beautiful day for it.  Shot some oranges!!   Which vaporized upon impact!!

Tomorrow marks the first Radiation Treatment.  9 am at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre.

  Praying for successful shrinkage of the tumor!!

Monday, 2 September 2013

Had a nice day today.  Randy slept well last night.  Took a drive out to Strathmore to check it out.  It's been a long time since we've been out that way.  Sure has grown.  Had to stop at the Home Hardware store to snoop around.

Watched the Calgary/Edmonton game.  Pretty funny to have people in this house cheer for Edmonton.  Almost pulled it off. 

Three days and counting till Radiation starts.  Crossing our fingers that the laser beams will do their job!!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Have had a couple of better days.  Randy has been able to sleep more overnight.  He has felt better in the mornings but as the day goes on he becomes less feeling better.

Yesterday spent the day building a new set of drawers for Matthew's room that we got from Ikea.  Also watched the Hatfield and McCoy marathon.

Today Randy decided to bring his model table back upstairs so he can tinker and possibly do some model building.  So the boys helped haul down the elliptical and bring the table and chair back up.

Randy is having a nap before the big Labour Day Classic.  Saskatchewan vs Winnipeg.  Go Riders Go!!